Our virtual numbers are powered by Skype. You can manage your virtual number through your Skype account which we will setup for you for free

A virtual phone number works just like a regular SIM ( Subscriber Identity Module ) card. The only difference is that a virtual number requires no physical SIM. You can receive calls and messages from anyone who contact you through the number

You can receive calls and messages directly on your phone without Skype. However, you will need the Skype account in other to redirect calls to your phone and other advanced call settings. once all these settings are done, you can use your number with the Skype account

Only Canadian and USA numbers have a 2 way SMS enabled. If your use case is for social media verification, you can choose our USA or Canadian phone numbers

No. We do not keep or track users data. That is why we set up a Skype account for every user so they can manage their phone numbers.

If you fail to pay in due time, we will not sell your number right away. Although you won't be able to use the number, it will remain inactive for 90 days. During this period, you can still pay and reactivate the number.

No. Once you buy a number, it belongs to you alone until you stop paying for the number.

We accept cash payment, bank transfer or mobile top up as payment

The mobile top up option allows users to simply buy and send us air-time like Libyana or Almadar equivalent to the amount you owe.

Nothing good comes for free online. If you are not paying for the product, then you are probably the product. A free virtual number is accessible to everyone making them unsafe.

How It Work

How to get your desired international phone number

Three easy steps to get a foreign phone number


Grab your phone and give us a call

The first step you need to take is to give us a call. We will help you setup an account as where you can manage all your new number phone calls, messages, and much more.


Choose a number

Once your account is setup, you are now ready to choose your foreign phone from over 20 countries


Make you payment

With our flexible payment methods, you can easily pay for your phone number without a credit card.

Why Do We Need A Foreign Phone Number?

Though taking a business internationally is appealing, it can be difficult for business owners or entrepreneurs. It is not just only business owners who need foreign numbers. International phone numbers enable you to establish a presence without being physically present.

You may serve your clients or expand your business to consumers worldwide by leveraging international phone numbers. With an international phone number, you can enjoy a variety of online services without restrictions and sometimes, for free

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